Dr. Constantinos Ergatoudes MD, PhD - Biography


  • 2020-present Specialist in Cardiologist, private practice in Limassol

  • 2018-2020 Specialist in Cardiology and Internal Medicine, Sahlgrenska University hospital/Östra, Gothenburg Sweden

  • 2015-2018 Specialist in Internal Medicine, resident in Cardiology, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg Sweden

  • 2010-2015 Resident in Internal Medicine, Sahlgrenska University Hospital Gothenburg Sweden

  • 2009-2010 Resident in Internal Medicine, Bollnäs Hospital, Bollnäs Sweden

  • Teaching and administrative experience:

  • 2015-present Director of studies for internal medicine residents

  • 2016-present In the organizing committee for the course for cardiology residents “Heart failure in the clinical praxis”

  • 2010-2020 Supervision of medical interns and residents.

  • Education:

  • 2014-2019 Phd studentship, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg

  • Thesis: “Risk Factors and Predictors of Heart Failure, from Incidence to Prognosis” Supervisor: Professor Michael Fu

  • 2001-2007 Faculty of Medicine, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

  • Publications:

    1. Barywani SB, Ergatoudes C, Schaufelberger M, Petzold M and Fu ML. Does the target dose of neurohormonal blockade matter for outcome in Systolic heart failure in octogenarians? International journal of cardiology. 2015;187:666-72.

    2. Ergatoudes C, Thunstrom E, Rosengren A, Bjorck L, Bengtsson Bostrom K, Falk K and Fu M. Long-term secondary prevention of acute myocardial infarction (SEPAT) - guidelines adherence and outcome. BMC cardiovascular disorders. 2016;16:226.

    3. Ergatoudes C, Thunstrom E, Hansson PO, Morales D, Mandalenakis Z, Rosengren A, Zhong Y, Caidahl K and Fu M. Natriuretic and Inflammatory Biomarkers as Risk Predictors of Heart Failure in Middle-Aged Men From the General Population: A 21-Year Follow-Up. Journal of cardiac failure. 2018.

    4. Fu M, Rosengren A, Thunstrom E, Mandalenakis Z, Welin L, Caidahl K, Pivodic A, Zhong Y, Ergatoudes C, Morales D, Welin C, Svardsudd K, Dellborg M and Hansson PO. Although Coronary Mortality Has Decreased, Rates of Cardiovascular Disease Remain High: 21 Years of Follow-Up Comparing Cohorts of Men Born in 1913 With Men Born in 1943. Journal of the American Heart Association. 2018;7

    5. Holtstrand Hjalm H, Fu M, Hansson PO, Zhong Y, Caidahl K, Mandalenakis Z, Morales D, Ergatoudes C, Rosengren A, Grote L and Thunstrom E. Association between left atrial enlargement and obstructive sleep apnea in a general population of 71-year-old men. Journal of sleep research. 2018;27:252-258.

    6. Ergatoudes C, Schaufelberger M, Andersson B, Pivodic A, Dahlström U, Fu M. Non-cardiac comorbidities and mortality in patients with heart failure with reduced vs. preserved ejection fraction: a study using the Swedish Heart Failure Registry. Clin Res Cardiol. 2019 Sep;108(9):1025-1033

    7. Chen XJ, Barywani SB, Hansson PO, Östgärd Thunström E, Rosengren A, Ergatoudes C, Mandalenakis Z, Caidahl K, Fu ML.Impact of changes in heart rate with age on all-cause death and cardiovascular events in 50-year-old men from the general population. Open Heart. 2019 Apr 15;6(1):e000856

    8. Chen X, Thunström E, Hansson PO, Rosengren A, Mandalenakis Z, Zhong Y, Ergatoudes C, Caidahl K, Fu M.High prevalence of cardiac dysfunction or overt heart failure in 71-year-old men: A 21-year follow-up of "The Study of men born in 1943". Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2019 Aug 25:204748731987164

    9. Kontogeorgos S, Thunström E, Basic C, Hansson PO, Zhong Y, Ergatoudes C, Morales D, Mandalenakis Z, Rosengren A, Caidahl K, Fu M.Prevalence and risk factors of aortic stenosis and aortic sclerosis: a 21-year follow-up of middle-aged men. Scand Cardiovasc J. 2019 Nov 1:1-9. doi: 10.1080/14017431.2019.1685126

    10. Ergatoudes C, Hansson PO, Svärdsudd K, Rosengren A, Östgärd Thunström E, Caidahl K, Pivodic A, Fu M. Comparison of incidence rates and risk factors of heart failure between two male cohorts born 30 years apart. Heart. 2020 Nov;106(21):1672-1678. doi: 10.1136/heartjnl-2019-316059. Epub 2020 Feb 29.

    11. Chen X, Barywani SB, Hansson PO, Rosengren A, Thunström E, Zhong Y, Ergatoudes C, Mandalenakis Z, Caidahl K, Fu M. High-normal blood pressure conferred higher risk of cardiovascular disease in a random population sample of 50-year-old men: A 21-year follow-up. Medicine (Baltimore). 2020 Apr;99(17):e19895. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000019895.

    Presentations at international conferences:

  • 2016: ESC Congress Rome, Italy
  • Biomarkers predict onset of heart failure with reduced ejection fraction in a longitudinal 20-year follow-up from the general population (poster presentation) Long-term secondary prevention of acute myocardial infarction guidelines adherence and outcome (poster presentation)

  • 2017: ESC Congress Barcelona, Spain
  • Biomarkers and risk of heart failure in middle-aged men from a random sample of the general population during a 21-year follow-up

  • 2019: ESC Congress Paris, France
  • Changes in incidence and risk factors for heart failure over a 21-year follow-up period in two cohorts of middle aged men born 30 years apart